目前分類:Actinopterygii 輻鰭魚綱 (62)

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PhylumChordata 脊索動物門

ClassActinopterygii 輻鰭魚綱

FamilyPomacanthidae 蓋刺魚科

Scientific nameCentropyge bicolor

Chinese name:二色刺尻魚

AuthorBloch, 1787


DescriptionBicolor angelfish. Fish taxidermy. Preserved using formalin, taken with tangle net in Caubian Island, Cebu, Philippines.

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PhylumChordata 脊索動物門

ClassActinopterygii 輻鰭魚綱

FamilyOgcocephalidae 棘茄魚科

Scientific nameHalieutopsis margaretae

Chinese name:瑪格麗特擬棘茄魚

AuthorHo & Shao, 2007


DescriptionSeabat; Batfishes Trawled at night at depth of 200 meters in Punta Engano, Mactan Island, Philippines.


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