
Phylum Mollusca 軟體動物門

Class Gastropods 腹足綱

Family Camaenidae 南亞蝸牛科

Scientific name Amphidromus ilsa

Chinese name

Author Rensch, 1933

Size 28.23mm

Description Taken from short plants, on leaves, in forest. Weh Island, off the coast of Aceh, North Sumatra Island. Indonesia. August, 2015.


Reference materials (參考資料)

Amphidromus ilsa Rensch, 1933, Zool. Anz., 102: 206, fig. 11—woods at Sabang, Pulau Weh, Sumatra;

van Benthem Jutting, 1959, Beaufortia, 7, (83), p. 183.


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Amphidromus ilsa 28.23mm


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