目前分類:Echinoidea - Irregularia (177)

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Phylum Echinodermata 棘皮動物門

Class Echinoidea 海膽綱

Family Clypeasteridae 楯海膽科

Scientific name Clypeaster subdepressus

Chinese name

Author (Gray, 1825)

Size 162.68mm

Description 162.68x132.25x22.77mm, USA.

























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Phylum Echinodermata 棘皮動物門

Class Echinoidea 海膽綱

Family Clypeasteridae 楯海膽科

Scientific name Clypeaster latissimus

Chinese name

Author (Lamarck, 1816)

Size 177.95mm

Description 177.95x147.68x26.16mm, Philippines, 2012.













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Phylum Echinodermata 棘皮動物門

Class Echinoidea 海膽綱

Family Spatangidae 猥團海膽科

Scientific name Spatangus purpureus

Chinese name 紫蝟團海膽

Author O.F. Müller, 1776

Size 90.48mm

Description 90.48x88.43x53.70mm, w/o spines, Mediterranean

AcknowledgementThis specimen is one of those echinoidea specimens that were exchanged from my friend Marco Fantin (Italy). I would like to express my thanks to him to broaden my echinoidea collection.


























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Phylum Echinodermata 棘皮動物門

Class Echinoidea 海膽綱

Family Laganidae 餅乾海膽科

Scientific name Peronella orbicularis

Chinese name 球狀餅海膽

Author (Leske, 1778)

Size 13.94mm

Description 13.94x11.62x3.87mm, w/o spines, Australia

AcknowledgementThis specimen is one of those echinoidea specimens that were exchanged from my friend Marco Fantin (Italy). I would like to express my thanks to him to broaden my echinoidea collection.











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Phylum Echinodermata 棘皮動物門

Class Echinoidea 海膽綱

Family Schizasteridae 裂星海膽科

Scientific name Ova canaliferus

Chinese name

Author (Lamarck, 1816)

Size 50.48mm

Description 50.48x45.40x35.59mm, w/o spines, Mediterranean

AcknowledgementThis specimen is one of those echinoidea specimens that were exchanged from my friend Marco Fantin (Italy). I would like to express my thanks to him to broaden my echinoidea collection.






























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Phylum Echinodermata 棘皮動物門

Class Echinoidea 海膽綱

Family Schizasteridae 裂星海膽科

Scientific name Ova canaliferus

Chinese name

Author (Lamarck, 1816)

Size 38.32mm

Description 38.32x35.16x28.77mm, w/o spines, Mediterranean

AcknowledgementThis specimen is one of those echinoidea specimens that were exchanged from my friend Marco Fantin (Italy). I would like to express my thanks to him to broaden my echinoidea collection.
























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Phylum Echinodermata 棘皮動物門

Class Echinoidea 海膽綱

Family Schizasteridae 裂星海膽科

Scientific name Ova canaliferus

Chinese name

Author (Lamarck, 1816)

Size 36.32mm

Description 36.32x30.20x27.22mm, with spines, Mediterranean

AcknowledgementThis specimen is one of those echinoidea specimens that were exchanged from my friend Marco Fantin (Italy). I would like to express my thanks to him to broaden my echinoidea collection.





















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Phylum Echinodermata 棘皮動物門

Class Echinoidea 海膽綱

Family Gitolampadids

Scientific name Oligopodia epigonus cf.

Chinese name

Author (von Martens, 1865)

Size 13.94mm

Description 13.94x10.96x8.23mm, w/o spines, Philippines

AcknowledgementThis specimen is one of those echinoidea specimens that were exchanged from my friend Marco Fantin (Italy). I would like to express my thanks to him to broaden my echinoidea collection.




















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Phylum Echinodermata 棘皮動物門

Class Echinoidea 海膽綱

Family Maretiidae 仙壺海膽科

Scientific name Maretia cordata

Chinese name 柯氏仙壺海膽

Author Mortensen, 1948

Size 37.85mm

Description 37.85x34.30x12.86mm, with spines, Philippines

AcknowledgementThis specimen is one of those echinoidea specimens that were exchanged from my friend Marco Fantin (Italy). I would like to express my thanks to him to broaden my echinoidea collection.



















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Phylum Echinodermata 棘皮動物門

Class Echinoidea 海膽綱

Family Laganidae 餅乾海膽科

Scientific name Laganum versatile

Chinese name

Author Koehler, 1922

Size 31.34mm

Description 31.34x28.63x 5.76mm , w/o spines, Philippines

AcknowledgementThis specimen is one of those echinoidea specimens that were exchanged from my friend Marco Fantin (Italy). I would like to express my thanks to him to broaden my echinoidea collection.





















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Phylum Echinodermata 棘皮動物門

Class Echinoidea 海膽綱

Family Loveniidae 拉文海膽科

Scientific name Echinocardium mortenseni

Chinese name

Author Thiéry, 1909

Size 25.75mm

Description 25.75x24.05x16.77mm, w/o spines, Mediterranean

AcknowledgementThis specimen is one of those echinoidea specimens that were exchanged from my friend Marco Fantin (Italy). I would like to express my thanks to him to broaden my echinoidea collection.
























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Phylum Echinodermata 棘皮動物門

Class Echinoidea 海膽綱

Family Loveniidae 拉文海膽科

Scientific name Echinocardium mediterraneum

Chinese name 地中海棘心海膽

Author T Forbes, 1844

Size 47.01mm

Description 47.01x46.17x29.67mm, with some spines, beaches near Venice, upper Adriatic sea, Italy.

AcknowledgementThis specimen is one of those echinoidea specimens that were exchanged from my friend Marco Fantin (Italy). I would like to express my thanks to him to broaden my echinoidea collection.




















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Phylum Echinodermata 棘皮動物門

Class Echinoidea 海膽綱

Family Loveniidae 拉文海膽科

Scientific name Echinocardium sp.

Chinese name


Size 13.73mm

Description 13.73x12.18x7.12mm, may be E. cordatum or fenauxi, fragile and broken, with some spines. Muscat area, Oman Gulf, Oman.

AcknowledgementThis specimen is one of those echinoidea specimens that were exchanged from my friend Marco Fantin (Italy). I would like to express my thanks to him to broaden my echinoidea collection.




















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Phylum Echinodermata 棘皮動物門

Class Echinoidea 海膽綱

Family Echinarachniidae 棘蛛網海膽科

Scientific name Echinarachnius parma

Chinese name 盾形網溝海膽

Author (Lamarck, 1816)

Size 38.37mm

Description 38.37x37.90x7.67mm, w/o spines, USA

AcknowledgementThis specimen is one of those echinoidea specimens that were exchanged from my friend Marco Fantin (Italy). I would like to express my thanks to him to broaden my echinoidea collection.












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Phylum Echinodermata 棘皮動物門

Class Echinoidea 海膽綱

Family Clypeasteridae 楯海膽科

Scientific name Clypeaster europacificus

Chinese name

Author H.L. Clark, 1914

Size 177.09mm

Description 177.09x172.40x22.39mm, w/o spines, California

AcknowledgementThis specimen is one of those echinoidea specimens that were exchanged from my friend Marco Fantin (Italy). I would like to express my thanks to him to broaden my echinoidea collection.
















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Phylum Echinodermata 棘皮動物門

Class Echinoidea 海膽綱

Family Brissidae 壺海膽科

Scientific name Brissus unicolor

Chinese name

Author (Leske, 1778)

Size 45.03mm

Description 45.03x32.83x 24.69mm , w/o spines, Mediterranean

AcknowledgementThis specimen is one of those echinoidea specimens that were exchanged from my friend Marco Fantin ( Italy ). I would like to express my thanks to him to broaden my echinoidea collection.
























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Phylum Echinodermata 棘皮動物門

Class Echinoidea 海膽綱

Family Brissopsidae 沐海壺科

Scientific name Brissopsis luzonica

Chinese name 呂宋沐海壺

Author (Gray, 1851)

Size 25.80mm

Description 25.80x21.92x14.63mm, w/o spines, Philippines

AcknowledgementThis specimen is one of those echinoidea specimens that were exchanged from my friend Marco Fantin (Italy). I would like to express my thanks to him to broaden my echinoidea collection.

























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Phylum Echinodermata 棘皮動物門

Class Echinoidea 海膽綱

Family Loveniidae 拉文海膽科

Scientific name Breynia australasiae cf.

Chinese name

Author Leach, 1815

Size 64.19mm

Description 64.19x51.15x33.74mm, w/o spines, probably new species, Victoria Australia.

AcknowledgementThis specimen is one of those echinoidea specimens that were exchanged from my friend Marco Fantin (Italy). I would like to express my thanks to him to broaden my echinoidea collection.




























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Phylum Echinodermata 棘皮動物門

Class Echinoidea 海膽綱

Family Apatopygidae

Scientific name Apatopygus recens

Chinese name

Author (Milne-Edwards, 1836)

Size 29.30mm

Description 29.30x26.47x10.88mm, w/o spines, Australia

AcknowledgementThis specimen is one of those echinoidea specimens that were exchanged from my friend Marco Fantin (Italy). I would like to express my thanks to him to broaden my echinoidea collection.
















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Phylum Echinodermata 棘皮動物門

Class Echinoidea 海膽綱

Family Schizasteridae 裂星海膽科

Scientific name Abatus cavernosus

Chinese name

Author Philippi, 1845

Size 37.66mm

Description 37.66x33.82x 22.20mm , (female), w/o spines, Antarctica

AcknowledgementThis specimen is one of those echinoidea specimens that were exchanged from my friend Marco Fantin (Italy). I would like to express my thanks to him to broaden my echinoidea collection.
































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