目前分類:Actinopterygii 輻鰭魚綱 (62)

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Phylum Chordata 脊索動物門

Class Actinopterygii 鰭魚綱

Family Monocentridae 松毬魚科

Scientific name Monocentris japonica

Chinese name 松毬魚

Author (Houttuyn, 1782)

Size 133.17mm

Description 133.17x24.22x 70.14mm , taken from 東港 (Tonggong), Southern Taiwan. 2012/02
















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Phylum Chordata 脊索動物門

Class Actinopterygii 輻鰭魚綱

Family Pegasidae 海蛾魚科

Scientific name Pegasus laternarius

Chinese name 短海蛾魚

Author Cuvier, 1816

Size 52.2mm

Description 52.2x19.4mm, taken from Penghu Is. Taiwan.








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Phylum Chordata 脊索動物門

Class Actinopterygii 輻鰭魚綱

Family Ogcocephalidae 蝙幅魚科

Scientific name Halieutaea stellata

Chinese name 棘茄魚

Author (Vahl, 1797)

Size 48.5mm

Description 48.5x22.7mm, taken from Penghu Is. Taiwan.






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Phylum Chordata 脊索動物門

Class Actinopterygii 輻鰭魚綱

Family Ogcocephalidae 蝙幅魚科

Scientific name Halieutaea stellata

Chinese name 棘茄魚

Author (Vahl, 1797)

Size 40.3mm

Description 40.3x20.7mm, taken from Penghu Is. Taiwan.








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Phylum Chordata 脊索動物門

Class Actinopterygii 輻鰭魚綱

Family Ogcocephalidae 蝙幅魚科

Scientific name Halieutaea stellata

Chinese name 棘茄魚

Author (Vahl, 1797)

Size 39.2mm

Description 39.2x20.6mm, taken from Penghu Is. Taiwan.








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PhylumChordata 脊索動物門

ClassActinopterygii 輻鰭魚綱

FamilyZanclidae 角蝶魚科

Scientific nameZanclus cornutus

Chinese name角鐮魚

AuthorLinnaeus, 1758


DescriptionMoorish idol, length - 116 mm , width - 136 mm , preserved using formaldehyde, taken with tangle net in Balut Island , Mindanao , Philippines .

Ecological pohto:生態照

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PhylumChordata 脊索動物門

ClassActinopterygii 輻鰭魚綱

FamilyHaemulidae 石鱸科

Scientific namePlectorhinchus diagrammus

Chinese name雙帶石鱸

AuthorLinnaeus, 1758


DescriptionSweetlips, length - 170 mm , preserved using formaldehyde. Balut Island , Mindanao , Philippines

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PhylumChordata 脊索動物門

ClassActinopterygii 輻鰭魚綱

FamilyChaetodontidae 蝴蝶魚科

Scientific nameChaetodon melannotus

Chinese name黑背蝴蝶魚

AuthorBloch & Schneider, 1801


DescriptionButterflyfish, length - 105 mm , preserved using formaldehyde, taken with tangle net in Balut Island , Mindanao , Philippines .

Ecological pohto生態照

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PhylumChordata 脊索動物門

ClassActinopterygii 輻鰭魚綱

FamilyChaetodontidae 蝴蝶魚科

Scientific nameChaetodon lunulatus  (SynonymsChaetodon trifasciatus)

Chinese name弓月蝴蝶魚 (同種異名:三帶蝴蝶魚)

AuthorQuoy & Gaimard, 1825


DescriptionButterflyfish, length - 98 mm , preserved using formaldehyde, taken with tangle net in Balut Island , Mindanao , Philippines .

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PhylumChordata 脊索動物門

ClassActinopterygii 輻鰭魚綱

FamilyBalistidae 鱗魨科

Scientific nameSufflamen chrysopterum

Chinese name金鰭鼓氣鱗魨

AuthorBloch & Schneider, 1801


DescriptionBlack Halfmoon Triggerfish, length - 88 mm , preserved with formaldehyde. Philippines .

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PhylumChordata 脊索動物門

ClassActinopterygii 輻鰭魚綱

FamilyChaetodontidae 蝴蝶魚科

Scientific nameChaetodon trifasciatus

Chinese name三帶蝴蝶魚

AuthorPark, 1797


DescriptionButterflyfish, Redfin Butterflyfish, length - 99 mm , preserved using formaldehyde, taken with tangle net inBalut Island , Mindanao , Philippines.

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PhylumChordata 脊索動物門

ClassActinopterygii 輻鰭魚綱

FamilyZanclidae 鐮刀魚科

Scientific nameZanclus cornutus

Chinese name:角鐮魚

Author(Linnaeus, 1758)


DescriptionMoorish Idol. Fish taxidermy. Preserved using formalin, taken with tangle net in Caubian Island, Cebu, Philippines.

Ecological pohto:生態照

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PhylumChordata 脊索動物門

ClassActinopterygii 輻鰭魚綱

FamilyChaetodontidae 蝴蝶魚科

Scientific nameHeniochus varius

Chinese name:黑身立旗鯛

AuthorCuvier, 1829


DescriptionHorned bannerfish. Fish taxidermy. Preserved using formalin, taken with tangle net in Caubian Island, Cebu, Philippines.

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PhylumChordata 脊索動物門

ClassActinopterygii 輻鰭魚綱

FamilyChaetodontidae 蝴蝶魚科

Scientific nameHeniochus chrysostomus

Chinese name:三帶立旗鯛

AuthorCuvier, 1831


DescriptionThreeband pennantfish. Fish taxidermy. Preserved using formalin, taken with tangle net in Caubian Island, Cebu, Philippines.

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PhylumChordata 脊索動物門

ClassActinopterygii 輻鰭魚綱

FamilyMuraeninae 鯙科

Scientific nameGymnothorax chilospilus

Chinese name:雲紋裸胸鯙

AuthorBleeker, 1864


DescriptionLipspot moray. Fish taxidermy. Preserved using formalin, taken with tangle net in Caubian Island, Cebu, Philippines.

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PhylumChordata 脊索動物門

ClassActinopterygii 輻鰭魚綱


Scientific nameFish taxidermy B

Chinese name:



DescriptionFish taxidermy. Preserved using formalin, taken with tangle net in Caubian Island, Cebu, Philippines.

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PhylumChordata 脊索動物門

ClassActinopterygii 輻鰭魚綱


Scientific nameFish taxidermy A

Chinese name:



DescriptionFish taxidermy. Preserved using formalin, taken with tangle net in Caubian Island, Cebu, Philippines.

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PhylumChordata 脊索動物門

ClassActinopterygii 輻鰭魚綱

FamilyChaetodontidae 蝴蝶魚科

Scientific nameChaetodon reticulatus

Chinese name:網紋蝴蝶魚

AuthorCuvier, 1831


DescriptionReticulated Butterflyfish. Fish taxidermy. Preserved using formalin, taken with tangle net in Caubian Island, Cebu, Philippines.

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PhylumChordata 脊索動物門

ClassActinopterygii 輻鰭魚綱

FamilyChaetodontidae 蝴蝶魚科

Scientific nameChaetodon interruptus

Chinese name:印度洋淚眼蝶

AuthorAhl, 1923


DescriptionYellow teardrop butterflyfish. Fish taxidermy. Preserved using formalin, taken with tangle net in Caubian Island, Cebu, Philippines.

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PhylumChordata 脊索動物門

ClassActinopterygii 輻鰭魚綱

FamilyChaetodontidae 蝴蝶魚科

Scientific nameChaetodon collare

Chinese name:領蝴蝶魚

AuthorBloch, 1787


DescriptionRedtail butterflyfish. Collared butterflyfish Fish taxidermy. Preserved using formalin, taken with tangle net in Caubian Island, Cebu, Philippines.

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