目前分類:Anthozoa 珊瑚蟲綱 (68)

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Phylum Cnidaria 刺胞動物門

Class Anthozoa 珊瑚蟲綱

Family Flabellidae 扇形珊瑚科

Scientific name Truncatoflabellum multispinosum

Chinese name

Author Cairns in Cairns & Keller, 1993

Size 36.83mm

Description 36.83x 13.72mm (calicular diameter), GCDLCD =2.68, corallum tall31.50mm, thecal edges angle80°, thecal faces angle22°, basal scar7.85x 4.24mm , taken from Taiwan Strait near east side of Penghu Islands (澎湖). 2012/10















































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Phylum Cnidaria 刺胞動物門

Class Anthozoa 珊瑚蟲綱

Family Flabellidae 扇形珊瑚科

Scientific name Truncatoflabellum zuluense

Chinese name

Author Cairns & Keller, 1993

Size 23.92mm

Description 23.92x 13.01mm (calicular diameter), GCDLCD =1.83, corallum tall24.42mm, thecal edges angle50°, thecal faces angle22°, pedicel diameter2.45x2.43x 1.52mm , taken from Taiwan Strait near east side of Penghu Islands (澎湖). 2012/10





























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Phylum Cnidaria 刺胞動物門

Class Anthozoa 珊瑚蟲綱

Family Caryophylliidae 葵珊瑚科

Scientific name Heterocyathus aequicostatus

Chinese name

Author Milne Edwards & Haime, 1848

Size 11.26mm

Description 11.26x 10.29mm , They have a commensal relationship with a sipunculid worm (Aspidosiphon corallicola), 此漂亮的單體珊瑚極像「短靴」,與環節動物的星蟲類Aspiedosiphon有共生的關係,珊瑚體底部的小孔即為星蟲寄生於螺殼的殼口的開孔, taken by trawlboat at Penghu Islands (澎湖), Taiwan. 2009/10/10





















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Phylum Cnidaria 刺胞動物門

Class Anthozoa 珊瑚蟲綱

Family Flabellidae 扇形珊瑚科

Scientific name Flabellum pavoninum

Chinese name

Author Lesson, 1831

Size 60.31mm

Description 60.31x 26.42mm (calicular diameter), GCDLCD =2.28, corallum tall43.71mm, thecal edges angle130°, thecal faces angle50°, pedicel diametermm, taken from Taiwan Strait near east side of Penghu Islands (澎湖). 2012/10





















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Phylum Cnidaria 刺胞動物門

Class Anthozoa 珊瑚蟲綱

Family Flabellidae 扇形珊瑚科

Scientific name Flabellum pavoninum

Chinese name

Author Lesson, 1831

Size 56.37mm

Description 56.37x 27.22mm (calicular diameter), GCDLCD =2.07, corallum tall40.69mm, thecal edges angle120°, thecal faces angle35°, pedicel diametermm, taken from Taiwan Strait near east side of Penghu Islands (澎湖). 2012/10






















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Phylum Cnidaria 刺胞動物門

Class Anthozoa 珊瑚蟲綱

Family Dendrophylliidae 樹珊瑚科

Scientific name Balanophyllia gigas

Chinese name

Author Moseley, 1881

Size 69.40mm

Description 69.40x37.21x28.93, taken by coralboat  from Penghu Islands (澎湖), Taiwan.. 2009/09/26

































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Phylum Cnidaria 刺胞動物門

Class Anthozoa 珊瑚蟲綱

Family Dendrophylliidae 樹珊瑚科

Scientific name Balanophyllia carinata

Chinese name

Author (Semper, 1872)

Size 19.5mm

Description 19.5x 13.4mm , taken from Penghu Islands (澎湖), Taiwan. 2011/10/08

















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Phylum Cnidaria 刺胞動物門

Class Anthozoa 珊瑚蟲綱

Family Dendrophylliidae 樹珊瑚科

Scientific name Balanophyllia carinata

Chinese name

Author (Semper, 1872)

Size 5.76mm

Description 5.76x5.23x 3.72mm , taken from Penghu Islands (澎湖), Taiwan. 2011/10/08

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Phylum Cnidaria 刺胞動物門

Class Anthozoa 珊瑚蟲綱

Family Caryophylliidae 葵珊瑚科

Scientific name Caryophyllia grayi

Chinese name

Author (Milne Edwards & Haime, 1848)

Size 29.68mm

Description corallum tall29.68mm, 21.03x 14.29mm (calicular diameter) , GCDLCD =1.47, taken from Taiwan Strait . 2004/12/20
























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Phylum Cnidaria 刺胞動物門

Class Anthozoa 珊瑚蟲綱

Family Flabellidae 扇形珊瑚科

Scientific name Truncatoflabellum aculeatum

Chinese name

Author (Milne Edwards & Haime, 1848)

Size 30.30mm

Description 30.30x 11.73mm (calicular diameter), GCDLCD =2.58, corallum tall23.33mm, thecal edges angle60°, thecal faces angle15°, basal scar13.68x 3.88mm , taken from Penghu Islands (澎湖), Taiwan. 2011/10/08




















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Phylum Cnidaria 刺胞動物門

Class Anthozoa 珊瑚蟲綱

Family Flabellidae 扇形珊瑚科

Scientific name Truncatoflabellum aculeatum

Chinese name

Author (Milne Edwards & Haime, 1848)

Size 30.01mm

Description 30.01x 11.43mm (calicular diameter), GCDLCD =2.63, corallum tall20.54mm, thecal edges angle50°, thecal faces angle23°, basal scar13.44x 4.39mm , taken from Penghu Islands (澎湖), Taiwan. 2011/10/08

















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Phylum Cnidaria 刺胞動物門

Class Anthozoa 珊瑚蟲綱

Family Flabellidae 扇形珊瑚科

Scientific name Truncatoflabellum aculeatum

Chinese name

Author (Milne Edwards & Haime, 1848)

Size 29.27mm

Description 29.27x 10.49mm (calicular diameter), GCDLCD =2.79, corallum tall21.56mm, thecal edges angle62°, thecal faces angle23°, basal scar16.12x 3.7mm , taken from Penghu Islands (澎湖), Taiwan. 2011/10/08































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Phylum Cnidaria 刺胞動物門

Class Anthozoa 珊瑚蟲綱

Family Flabellidae 扇形珊瑚科

Scientific name Flabellum magnificum

Chinese name壯麗扇形珊瑚

Author Marenzeller, 1904

Size 52.84mm

Description 52.84x 26.30mm (calicular diameter), GCDLCD =2.01, corallum tall39.2mm, thecal edges angle170°, thecal faces angle45°, pedicel diameter3.3x 2.2mm, taken from Taiwan Strait near east side of Penghu Islands (澎湖). 2012/10

























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Phylum Cnidaria 刺胞動物門

Class Anthozoa 珊瑚蟲綱

Family Flabellidae 扇形珊瑚科

Scientific name Truncatoflabellum spheniscus

Chinese name

Author (Dana, 1846)

Size 50.19mm

Description 50.19x 17.49mm (calicular diameter), GCDLCD =2.87, corallum tall32.49mm, thecal edges angle85°, thecal faces angle32°, basal scar17.01x 3.24mm, taken from Taiwan Strait near east side of Penghu Islands (澎湖). 2012/10
























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Phylum Cnidaria 刺胞動物門

Class Anthozoa 珊瑚蟲綱

Family Flabellidae 扇形珊瑚科

Scientific name Truncatoflabellum veroni

Chinese name

Author Cairns, 1998

Size 61.18mm

Description 61.18x 13.84mm , taken from Taiwan Strait near east side of Penghu Islands (澎湖). 2012/10


































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Phylum Cnidaria 刺胞動物門

Class Anthozoa 珊瑚蟲綱

Family Flabellidae 扇形珊瑚科

Scientific name Truncatoflabellum macroeschara

Chinese name

Author Cairns, 1998

Size 38.93mm

Description 38.93x 10.91mm , taken from Taiwan Strait near east side of Penghu Islands (澎湖). 2012/10































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Phylum Cnidaria 刺胞動物門

Class Anthozoa 珊瑚蟲綱

Family Caryophylliidae 葵珊瑚科

Scientific name Stephanocyathus spiniger

Chinese name 刺冠杯珊瑚

Author (Marenzeller, 1888)

Size 46.21mm

Description 46.21x 24.31mm , taken from Philippines . 2009/12/01













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Phylum Cnidaria 刺胞動物門

Class Anthozoa 珊瑚蟲綱

Family Caryophylliidae 葵珊瑚科

Scientific name Stephanocyathus spiniger

Chinese name 刺冠杯珊瑚

Author (Marenzeller, 1888)

Size 45.42mm

Description 45.42x 29.30mm , taken from Philippines . 2009/12/01












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Phylum Cnidaria 刺胞動物門

Class Anthozoa 珊瑚蟲綱

Family Dendrophylliidae 樹珊瑚科

Scientific name Endopachys grayi

Chinese name

Author Milne Edwards & Haime, 1848

Size 34.99mm

Description 34.99x28.81x 20.37mm , taken from Taiwan Strait near east side of Penghu Islands (澎湖). 2012/10















leechitse 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Phylum Cnidaria 刺胞動物門

Class Anthozoa 珊瑚蟲綱

Family Dendrophylliidae 樹珊瑚科

Scientific name Endopachys grayi

Chinese name

Author Milne Edwards & Haime, 1848

Size 27.21mm

Description 27.21x25.51x 16.61mm , taken from Taiwan Strait near east side of Penghu Islands (澎湖). 2012/10





















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