Phylum: Cnidaria 刺胞動物門
Class: Anthozoa 珊瑚蟲綱
Family: Flabellidae 扇形珊瑚科
Scientific name: Truncatoflabellum candeanum
Chinese name:
Author: (Milne Edwards & Haime, 1848)
Size: 15.24mm
Description: 15.24x 6.48mm (calicular diameter), GCD:LCD =2.35, corallum tall:13.01mm, thecal edges angle:105°, thecal faces angle:32°, pedicel diameter:2.93mm, short anthocyathus still attached with anthocaulus, separated by thin yellowish crescent one-third distance from top of corallum, taken from Taiwan Strait near east side of Penghu Islands (澎湖). 2012/10