Phylum: Mollusca 軟體動物門
Class: Polyplacophora 多板綱
Family: Ischnochitonidae 薄石鱉科
Scientific name: Lepidozona pectinulata
Chinese name:
Author: (Carpenter in Pilsbry, 1893)
Size: 18.1mm
Description: 18.1x10.8mm, under rocks in tidal pools. San Diego, California, USA. 1967.
Acknowledgement:I would like to express my gratitude to my friend Bruno Anseeuw (BELGIUM) to enrich my shell collection. This specimen is one of his highly appreciated generosity gifts. Bruno is a passionate collector of this often neglected group (Polyplacophora) of Molluscs and his collection of Polyplacophora now counts about 450 worldwide species. In Alain Robin’s new book:「Encyclopedia of Marine Bivalves, Including Scaphopods, Polyplacophora and Cephalopods」, section of the Polyplacophora almost all come from his collection. The author came to photograph them at his home. So you can figure out how abundant are his collection of chitons.