Phylum Echinodermata 棘皮動物門

Class Echinoidea 海膽綱

Family Temnopleuridae 刻肋海膽科

Scientific name Salmaciella dussumieri

Chinese name

Author ( Agassiz , 1847)

Size 31.12mm

Description taken with tangle net in Oslob, Cebu , Philippines .





Test with spine




  • Test depressed and low conical in profile with flat oral surface and deeply sunken peristome.

  • Distinct naked interradial zone adapically.

  • Small pits at all interradial and perradial suture triple points; horizontal sutures also slightly incised adapically.

  • Peristome small and deeply invaginated, with feeble buccal notches.

  • Test depressed and low conical in profile with flat oral surface and deeply sunken peristome.

  • Apical disc dicyclic or hemicyclic (ocular I may be insert), with distinct ring of tubercles on genital plates surrounding periproct. Periproct opening relatively large and circular. Suranal plate distinct in juveniles but not adults.

  • Interambulacral plates elongate with row of 3 or 4 subequal tubercles on subambital plates. Above the ambitus there is only a single primary tubercle to each plate. Aboral plates rather naked especially adapically.

  • Primary tubercles imperforate and strongly crenulate.

  • Ambulacral plating trigeminate with compounding in echinid style. Pore-pairs offset forming a single broad adradial band.

  • One primary tubercle to each ambulacral plate adorally;at the ambitus and subambitally these tubercles alternately offset so as to form a double column of primary tubercles. Above the ambitus primary tubercle on every second compound plate only.

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