Phylum: Mollusca 軟體動物門
Class: Gastropods 腹足綱
Family: Camaenidae 南亞蝸牛科
Scientific name: Amphidromus ilsa
Chinese name:
Author: Rensch, 1933
Size: 28.23mm
Description: Taken from short plants, on leaves, in forest. Weh Island, off the coast of Aceh, North Sumatra Island. Indonesia. August, 2015.
Reference materials (參考資料) :
Amphidromus ilsa Rensch, 1933, Zool. Anz., 102: 206, fig. 11—woods at Sabang, Pulau Weh, Sumatra;
van Benthem Jutting, 1959, Beaufortia, 7, (83), p. 183.
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