目前分類:Mollusca軟體動物門 (608)

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Phylum Mollusca 軟體動物門

Class Polyplacophora 多板綱

Family Chitonidae 石鱉科

Scientific name Chiton (Tegulaplax) hululensis

Chinese name

Author (Smith E.A. in Gardiner, 1903)

Size 6.9mm

Description 6.9x3.4mm, under rock at 2m, S. of Agaba, Jordan, Red Sea, 07/1999

AcknowledgementI would like to express my gratitude to my friend Bruno Anseeuw (BELGIUM) to enrich my shell collection. This specimen is one of his highly appreciated generosity gifts. Bruno is a passionate collector of this often neglected group (Polyplacophora) of Molluscs and his collection of Polyplacophora now counts about 450 worldwide species. In Alain Robin’s new book:Encyclopedia of Marine Bivalves, Including Scaphopods, Polyplacophora and Cephalopods, section of the Polyplacophora almost all come from his collection. The author came to photograph them at his home. So you can figure out how abundant are his collection of chitons.








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Phylum Mollusca 軟體動物門

Class Polyplacophora 多板綱

Family Chitonidae 石鱉科

Scientific name Chiton (Rhyssoplax) affinis

Chinese name

Author Issel, 1869

Size 12.7mm

Description 12.7x6.2mm, under rock at 2m, S. of Agaba, Jordan, Red Sea, 07/1999

AcknowledgementI would like to express my gratitude to my friend Bruno Anseeuw (BELGIUM) to enrich my shell collection. This specimen is one of his highly appreciated generosity gifts. Bruno is a passionate collector of this often neglected group (Polyplacophora) of Molluscs and his collection of Polyplacophora now counts about 450 worldwide species. In Alain Robin’s new book:Encyclopedia of Marine Bivalves, Including Scaphopods, Polyplacophora and Cephalopods, section of the Polyplacophora almost all come from his collection. The author came to photograph them at his home. So you can figure out how abundant are his collection of chitons.
























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Phylum Mollusca 軟體動物門

Class Polyplacophora 多板綱

Family Chitonidae 石鱉科

Scientific name Chiton (Chiton) marmoratus

Chinese name 大理石石鱉

Author Gmelin, 1791

Size 33.7mm

Description 33.7x20.1mm, On sides of large boulders in sand, Playa del Carmen, Yucatan, Mexico. 12/2008

AcknowledgementI would like to express my gratitude to my friend Bruno Anseeuw (BELGIUM) to enrich my shell collection. This specimen is one of his highly appreciated generosity gifts. Bruno is a passionate collector of this often neglected group (Polyplacophora) of Molluscs and his collection of Polyplacophora now counts about 450 worldwide species. In Alain Robin’s new book:Encyclopedia of Marine Bivalves, Including Scaphopods, Polyplacophora and Cephalopods, section of the Polyplacophora almost all come from his collection. The author came to photograph them at his home. So you can figure out how abundant are his collection of chitons.
























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Phylum Mollusca 軟體動物門

Class Polyplacophora 多板綱

Family Chitonidae 石鱉科

Scientific name Chiton (Chiton) marmoratus

Chinese name 大理石石鱉

Author Gmelin, 1791

Size 23.6mm

Description 23.6x13.7mm, On sides of large boulders in sand, Playa del Carmen, Yucatan, Mexico. 12/2008

AcknowledgementI would like to express my gratitude to my friend Bruno Anseeuw (BELGIUM) to enrich my shell collection. This specimen is one of his highly appreciated generosity gifts. Bruno is a passionate collector of this often neglected group (Polyplacophora) of Molluscs and his collection of Polyplacophora now counts about 450 worldwide species. In Alain Robin’s new book:Encyclopedia of Marine Bivalves, Including Scaphopods, Polyplacophora and Cephalopods, section of the Polyplacophora almost all come from his collection. The author came to photograph them at his home. So you can figure out how abundant are his collection of chitons.








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Phylum Mollusca 軟體動物門

Class Polyplacophora 多板綱

Family Chaetopleuridae

Scientific name Chaetopleura (Pallochiton) gemma

Chinese name

Author Carpenter MS, Dall, 1879

Size 11.7mm

Description 11.7x6.6mm, Intertidal under rocks, California, USA.

AcknowledgementI would like to express my gratitude to my friend Bruno Anseeuw (BELGIUM) to enrich my shell collection. This specimen is one of his highly appreciated generosity gifts. Bruno is a passionate collector of this often neglected group (Polyplacophora) of Molluscs and his collection of Polyplacophora now counts about 450 worldwide species. In Alain Robin’s new book:Encyclopedia of Marine Bivalves, Including Scaphopods, Polyplacophora and Cephalopods, section of the Polyplacophora almost all come from his collection. The author came to photograph them at his home. So you can figure out how abundant are his collection of chitons.








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菱角螺屬Volva sp. 之鑑別診斷(Volva species differential table)


長久以來,對Volva這一屬的瞭解並不多,即使於網路上google之後也得不到什麼結論,於是參考Lorenz F. & Fehse D. (2009) The living Ovulidae. A manual of the families of allied cowries: Ovulidae, Pediculariidae and Eocypraeidae. Hackenheim: Conchbooks.這本Ovulidae海兔螺專書除了有詳細描述,也有許多標本可供參考。依據我對此書的瞭解提出以下的粗略見解。如有錯誤,希望各位前輩不吝指教。


依據Lorenz 2009年出版的The living Ovulida一書,針對Volva這一屬的描述,共有5個種(台灣只有4),整理後如下表。


Volva cumulata

Volva kilburni

Volva volva

Volva striata

Volva habei





Striated, coarsely

Striated, Less conspicuous


Long, turn to right on ventral view

Shorter canals, equal length.


Very long

Rather short

Long, straight


Orange or red


Orange or red

Not conspicuous stained

Orange or red




Wider only at fossular section



Body whorl

Ovoidly, more inflated

Bulbous inflated, very faint paler dorsal band


Elongated, Uniform colouration.

More colorful, rounded



White, sweeping broad curve,

Less round, thickened

deep suture and shouldering






1.「中央螺體部背面具有橫紋者」為Volva striataVolva habei

2.「中央螺體部背面光滑不具橫紋者」為Volva volvaVolva cumulataVolva kilburni(沒有分布於台灣)


其中「中央螺體部背面具有橫紋者」的Volva striataVolva habei的主要區別要點在於:

1. Volva striata中央螺體部背面橫紋較顯著與粗糙,兩端水管溝相當短,水管溝末端無明顯暈染。

2. Volva habei中央螺體部背面橫紋較不顯著,兩端水管溝長而直,水管溝末端有橘或紅色暈染。


至於「中央螺體部背面光滑不具橫紋者」的Volva volvaVolva cumulataVolva kilburni(沒有分布於台灣,故不多述) 的主要區別要點在於:。

1. Volva volva兩端水管溝相對於中央螺體部而言顯得相當長,使中央螺體部顯得較小。

2. Volva cumulata兩端水管溝相對於中央螺體部而言並不顯得相當長,使中央螺體部顯得較卵形腫脹,腹面觀時其兩端水管溝向一方偏彎。


依據以上的論點,於是我將這一、兩年從澎湖收集到的17Volva sp. 標本拿出來重新審視後,發現其實並不是如書本所述的那麼簡易即可區分,因為總有介於其間的標本出現,舉例來說,「中央螺體部背面具有橫紋者」為區別的重要Key,但可以發現中央螺體部背面的橫紋兩邊側較顯著而中央光滑,因此同時兼具有橫紋與光滑的狀況;此外,還有些中央螺體部背面看似光滑但具有較稀疏與微凸的橫紋,從側面觀之形成多角弧線;兩端水管溝的變異也不小。因此只好盡力而為,野人獻曝了。


經過一番掙扎後,將這17Volva sp. 標本區別如下:

Volva cumulata63.6mm 68.1mm 68.2mm 83.6mm

Volva volva86.4mm 90.3mm 110mm 133mm

Volva habei79mm 79.3mm 81.9mm 88.4mm 89.4mm 92.1mm

Volva striata61.3mm 70.3mm 75.6mm



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Phylum Mollusca 軟體動物門

Class Gastropods 腹足綱

Family Ovulidae 海兔螺科

Scientific name Volva volva

Chinese name 長菱角螺

Author (Linnaeus, 1758)

Size 133mm

Description 133mm, taken from Penghu Is. Taiwan .
























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Phylum Mollusca 軟體動物門

Class Gastropods 腹足綱

Family Ovulidae 海兔螺科

Scientific name Volva volva

Chinese name 長菱角螺

Author (Linnaeus, 1758)

Size 110mm

Description 110mm, taken from Penghu Is. Taiwan .
























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Phylum Mollusca 軟體動物門

Class Gastropods 腹足綱

Family Ovulidae 海兔螺科

Scientific name Volva volva

Chinese name 長菱角螺

Author (Linnaeus, 1758)

Size 90.3mm

Description 90.3x 26.3mm , taken from Penghu Is. Taiwan .
























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Phylum Mollusca 軟體動物門

Class Gastropods 腹足綱

Family Ovulidae 海兔螺科

Scientific name Volva volva

Chinese name 長菱角螺

Author (Linnaeus, 1758)

Size 86.4mm

Description 86.4x 23.7mm , taken from Penghu Is. Taiwan.



















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Phylum Mollusca 軟體動物門

Class Gastropods 腹足綱

Family Ovulidae 海兔螺科

Scientific name Volva cumulata

Chinese name 堆積菱角螺

Author Iredale, 1931

Size 83.6mm

Description 83.6x27.8mm, taken from Penghu Is. Taiwan.




















leechitse 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Phylum Mollusca 軟體動物門

Class Gastropods 腹足綱

Family Ovulidae 海兔螺科

Scientific name Volva cumulata

Chinese name 堆積菱角螺

Author Iredale, 1931

Size 68.2mm

Description 68.2x23.5mm, taken from Penghu Is. Taiwan.
























leechitse 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Phylum Mollusca 軟體動物門

Class Gastropods 腹足綱

Family Ovulidae 海兔螺科

Scientific name Volva cumulata

Chinese name 堆積菱角螺

Author Iredale, 1931

Size 68.1mm

Description 68.1x22.8mm, taken from Penghu Is. Taiwan.












leechitse 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Phylum Mollusca 軟體動物門

Class Gastropods 腹足綱

Family Ovulidae 海兔螺科

Scientific name Volva cumulata

Chinese name 堆積菱角螺

Author Iredale, 1931

Size 63.6mm

Description 63.6x21.7mm, taken from Penghu Is. Taiwan.
























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Phylum Mollusca 軟體動物門

Class Gastropods 腹足綱

Family Ovulidae 海兔螺科

Scientific name Volva striata

Chinese name 菱角螺

Author (Lamarck, 1810)

Size 75.6mm

Description 75.6x 24.2mm , taken from Penghu Is. Taiwan .
























leechitse 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Phylum Mollusca 軟體動物門

Class Gastropods 腹足綱

Family Ovulidae 海兔螺科

Scientific name Volva striata

Chinese name 菱角螺

Author (Lamarck, 1810)

Size 70.3mm

Description 70.3x 22.9mm , taken from Penghu Is. Taiwan .
























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Phylum Mollusca 軟體動物門

Class Gastropods 腹足綱

Family Ovulidae 海兔螺科

Scientific name Volva striata

Chinese name 菱角螺

Author (Lamarck, 1810)

Size 61.3mm

Description 61.3mmx21.5, taken from Penghu Is. Taiwan .




















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Phylum Mollusca 軟體動物門

Class Gastropods 腹足綱

Family Ovulidae 海兔螺科

Scientific name Volva habei

Chinese name 波部菱角螺

Author Oyama, 1961

Size 92.1mm

Description 92.1x 20.2mm , taken from Penghu Is. Taiwan .




















leechitse 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Phylum Mollusca 軟體動物門

Class Gastropods 腹足綱

Family Ovulidae 海兔螺科

Scientific name Volva habei

Chinese name 波部菱角螺

Author Oyama, 1961

Size 89.4mm

Description 89.4x 23.6mm , taken from Penghu Is. Taiwan .
























leechitse 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Phylum Mollusca 軟體動物門

Class Gastropods 腹足綱

Family Ovulidae 海兔螺科

Scientific name Volva habei

Chinese name 波部菱角螺

Author Oyama, 1961

Size 81.9mm

Description 81.9x 25.5mm , taken from Penghu Is. Taiwan .
























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