Salmacis belli
Doederlein, 1902
SIZE:78X 50.2mm
LOCALITY:Penghue Is. , Taiwan .
感謝 “(自戀)”兄慷慨贈送此顆海膽以資比對「Salmacis bicolor L. Agassiz, 1846 雙色角孔海膽」的迷惑,基本上此兩顆海膽如經過清洗後的殼體自有其相異之處,但當牠還是活體或還是有棘刺存在的標本時,外觀相似度極高,即這兩者的棘刺都是黃綠色片段與紫紅色片段相間。但經比對其棘刺卻有極大的不同,棘刺最主要的差別在基部顏色的差異,belli是綠色而bicolor是赭紅色。
Salmacis belli, aboral view.
Salmacis belli, Apical system.
Salmacis belli, lateral view. ambulacrum area.
Salmacis belli, lateral view. ambulacrum area. close-up.
Salmacis belli, lateral view. ambulacrum area. more close-up.
Salmacis belli, lateral view. interambulacrum area.
Salmacis belli, lateral view. interambulacrum area. close-up.
Salmacis belli, oral view.
Salmacis belli, oral view. close-up.
Salmacis belli, oral view. more close-up and perignathic girdle.
Salmacis belli, oral view. perignathic girdle.
Salmacis belli, primary spines and secondary spines.
The longest spine measured about 16mm.
Salmacis belli, primary spines spines. close-up.
greenwish base of neck and collar area of spine.
and the shaft is red to purple segment alternating with dark green segment.
Salmacis belli, primary spines and secondary spines. close-up.
some spine are flatten and only green/yellowish color with a red segment .