Cidaridae頭帕科 - Stylocidaris屬的診斷特徵
英國自然歷史博物館(The Natural History Museum)針對Cidaridae頭帕科之Stylocidaris屬的診斷特徵,列出以下8點特性以供參考:
Stylocidaris Mortensen, 1909
Diagnostic Features:
- Test moderately thick.
- Apical disc about 50% of test diameter;
generally monocyclic with oculars narrowly insert. Genital plates all similar in size; apical disc plates uniformly covered in tubercles.
- Interambulacra with 6-8 plates in a series.
Primary tubercle perforate, non-crenulate or weakly subcrenulate adapically; areoles circular and incised; widely separated.
- Scrobicular tubercles not much differentiated. Extrascrobicular zones small and densely covered in heterogeneous secondary tubercles and granules.
- Interradial and perradial sutures weakly incised.
- Ambulacral zones weakly sinuous. Pore- zones a little incised; pore-pairs non-conjugate. Perradial zone with marginal series of contiguous primary tubercles plus much smaller inner series.
- Peristome smaller than apical disc. Ambulacral plates uniserial in each column; interambulacral series reaching the mouth.
- Primary spines weakly fusiform and slender; neck and collar short; shaft ornamented by beaded or serrated ribs.
Distribution:Miocene to Recent, widespread
Species Included:
- S. affinis (Philippi, 1845); Recent, Mediterranean, Atlantic, Caribbean.
- S. lineata Mortensen, 1910; Recent, Caribbean.
- S. reini (Doderlein, 1887); Recent, Indo-West Pacific.
- S. amboinae Mortensen; Recent, Indo-West Pacific.
- S. annulosa Mortensen, 1927; Recent, Philippines.
- S. conferta (Clark, 1916); Recent, Australia.
- S. rufa Mortensen, 1928; Recent, Hawaii.
- S. calacantha (Agassiz & Clark, 1907); Recent, Hawaii.
- S. bracteata (Agassiz, 1879); Recent, Indo-West Pacific.
- S. maculosa Mortensen, 1928; Recent, North West Pacific.
- S. effluens Mortensen, 1927; Recent, Philippines.
- S. tiara (Anderson, 1894); Recent, Indian Ocean.
- S. lorioli (Koehler, 1927); Recent, Indian Ocean.
- S. albidens Clark, 1925; Recent, Indian Ocean.
- S. badia Clark, 1925; Recent, Mauritius.
- S. brevicollis (de Meijere, 1904); Recent, Indo-West Pacific.
- S. fusispina Mortensen, 1928; Recent, Japan.
- S. melitensis (Wright, 1855); Miocene, Mediterranean.
Classification and/or Status:
Cidaroida頭帕目, Cidaridae頭帕科, Cidarinae.
Possibly not a monophyletic group. Treated here as a subgenusof Tretocidaris.